Maternity Reflexology (60 mins)

Maternity Reflexology includes support for pre-conceptual care, pregnancy, labour and post-natal care as women and their partners embark on their journey through conception, childbirth and early parenthood.
Just as every other body system is located on the feet, so too are the reproductive and endocrine systems. Likewise, the female pelvic bones also play a role in the protection of fertility and are represented on the feet. In fact, if we look at the skeleton of the feet next to that of the pelvis, we can see the bones of the heel area look very similar to those of the pelvis, and therefore it is not surprising that the reflex points relating to the reproductive system are also located on the heel of the foot. With this in mind, reflexology becomes a perfect therapy for supporting a couple throughout this incredible period of their lives.
Pre-conceptual Care
Creating a new healthy little person is such an important adventure for a couple that it is invaluable to prepare the body and mind as much as possible prior to conception.
This applies to men as well as women. Regardless of how long you have been trying for a baby, or even if you are still just thinking about trying, Reflexology is an ideal therapy to relax and calm you during the pre-conceptual period.
As a Nutritional Therapist as well as Reflexologist, I strongly believe that incorporating reflexology alongside nutritional changes is wonderful preparation for pregnancy and pre-conceptual care. After all, the health of the sperm and ova is paramount and the body needs certain hormones to be in place to result in a successful pregnancy. The body requires the right ‘ingredients’ to achieve this and this is where correct nutrition plays a huge role. Reflexology complements nutritional changes perfectly, through its balancing, relaxing and calming effects, especially at a time that can for some be fraught with emotion and stress. A holistic approach to conceptual care can be discussed during your initial consultation.
It never ceases to amaze me how the feet change during pregnancy. The baby too is reflected on the feet and as it grows, the feet change with it. This is a magical time for both mother and father and myself as a therapist…
Pregnancy places great demands on both the body and emotions of a mother. Reflexology can support you throughout your whole pregnancy in many ways, from the moment of conception, through all the changes that take place during the pregnancy, and right up until birth. It is one of the few natural therapies that can indirectly (via the feet) bring relief and relaxation to the spine, pelvic area and ‘bump’ by way of promoting overall relaxation and well-being.
1st Trimester
I am often asked whether it is ‘safe’ to receive Reflexology during the 1st trimester. As a qualified and insured Maternity Reflexology Practitioner, I am happy to treat clients during the whole nine months of pregnancy, including the first trimester. Whilst some Reflexologists prefer to avoid seeing clients during this time when the chance of miscarriage is considered greater, I feel that clients can benefit hugely from the relaxing effects of reflexology in what can, for some, be quite a stressful and emotional time. I also believe that it is during these first three months of huge emotional and hormonal upheaval that a mother might need reflexology even more. I received Reflexology throughout the whole of my own pregnancy and feel it played a very valuable role in promoting the health of both our baby and myself.
Along with your own antenatal preparation, receiving reflexology during your pregnancy will place in you in the best possible position for whatever birthing experience you have. The soothing, calming effects of a Reflexology treatment at the end of pregnancy or during labour make it an ideal therapy to incorporate into your birth plan.
Many Midwives are now using reflexology skills during labour and Maternity Reflexology Practitioners can be used as a birth support person.
If working with a couple during pregnancy, I also like to teach fathers simple reflexology techniques that can be used on the mother during labour, allowing them to play an active and very helpful role in the birthing process and of course fathers-to-be can have Reflexology themselves too, helping them remain calm and relaxed throughout the pregnancy.
Post-natal care
Visually, the feet once again change dramatically after the baby is born, as does a mother’s whole body as it readjusts to its non-pregnant state after her experience of childbirth, which can be a huge physical, hormonal and emotional change for any new mum. Maternity Reflexology is wonderfully relaxing treatment, helping to restore a sense of balance and well-being postnatally. Not only that, but a bit of time out for yourself can be an invaluable opportunity to rest when sleep may not be as plentiful as you would like. I cannot stress this enough!
In addition to offering post-natal reflexology to mothers, I can also offer baby reflexology. I find that many mothers love receiving a treatment themselves after which it’s the baby’s turn!
Simple reflexology techniques for the baby can also be taught to both parents.
N.B - A Maternity Reflexology Practitioner is not qualified to provide medical or obstetric advice and will ensure that a client presenting particular problems is in the care of an appropriate clinical practitioner before giving reflexology.
"I asked Gemma to give me some reflexology with the hope of encouraging the onset of labour. My waters broke within an hour of her leaving and my baby arrived four hours after that. Couldn't have asked for more! Gemma is highly professional but also has a very caring manner. I would certainly recommend."
Sarah Taylor